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Signs of real awakening in France for the charismatics!


Paris (ND de l'Ouye) - Le < strong>Father Baldo Alagna exercises a service of formation of those responsible for renewal and in a particular way from March 3 to 5, 2023 at Notre Dame de l'Oyue. With the praise animation of Mathieu Cossieu, those were days of great blessing for the hundred of diocesan leaders of the Pentecostal Fraternity came.

The p. Baldo motivated and pushed to re-choose and manifest his identity in Christ. After he gave basic tracks on the trial of pastoral vision to accompany the current revival (if you want to download the file click here!< /span>)

Who is Pentecostal Brotherhood?

It has been a alliance since its inception at Pentecost 1988, is at the service of the prayer groups of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in France: groups not attached to the new communities! As such, she is a member of the Instance of Communion of the Renewal in France, and of the General Assembly of the Renewal, where she represents the prayer groups (approximately 1200 >currently).

What is WECooD?

WECooD is for weekend formation and fellowship for diocesan coordinators of the Renewal in France.

During the 3 days everyone was encouraged. Many have confirmed what Father Baldo has been preaching for some time: We are currently experiencing general intimidation. Like Elijah, prophet of fire but also became depressed, and passing the mantle to Elisha. This is a time to support each other., take a stand and take authority. Many moments of prayer, simple fellowship andprophetic intercession gave a lot of signs, enthusiasm and prophetic visions:


Here's a Claire's testimonial a diocesan leader presents:

It was a firework of thanksgiving! C It was almost by chance (or by Providence...) that I participated in my first WeCood - an experience that I wish everyone< /strong>!

A unanimous and powerful praise as a foretaste of the Joy and Peace that awaits us up there, a sensitive fraternal communion, an organization at the top...: all the conditions were met for God to make wonders in hearts. It is certain, we do not leave in the state where we arrived!

With the teachings of Fr. Baldo on the vision to work in prayer groups, we leave with concrete tools for the structuring and the growth of our assemblies according to the will of God. Living in the prophetic is also learning to discern (for each of our groups) how to combine the spiritual needs of our contemporaries, the desires of God for our territory and our own inner emotions; it is to draw together a unified and coherent vision which charts with excites a direction for the next few years. God is faithful and goes before us in all our ways!

Another testimony of a new diocesan coordinator was sad that in her area there were not many groups and thanks to Father Baldo she was able to contact a shepherdess from a group in the region who, since a personal healing, is looking for Fraternité Pentecost! The Lord is good!

Next activity for Pentecost Fellowshipthe summer session to ND du Laus, du July 12 to 16 - see on the Pentecostal Fraternity website: with the p. Daniel-Marie Franciscan of Brussels and the group of brothers and sisters of "Musictus Louange"....

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