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Medjugorie sanctuary approved by the Vatican but caution on messages and visionaries!

MEDJUGORJE, the Vatican's NIHIL OBSTAT has arrived (see article vatican news): The cult has been recognized, but not the apparitions of the Virgin Mary.

The Apostolic Visitor will authorize the "alleged messages" of the Gospa and every publication with the messages will have to include the document in the introduction so as not to confuse people!

The goal is to conclude "a long and complex story" that has involved "divergent opinions of bishops, theologians, commissions and analysts". Cardinal Prefect Víctor Manuel Fernández signed a note from the Vatican Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith that speaks of the "spiritual phenomenon of Medjugorje".

Furthermore, the Vatican Note decided to take into consideration "the existence of clearly verified fruits" (which the Ruini Commission has spoken about several times) and "the analysis of the alleged Marian messages" to provide clarity on the events of Medjugorje.

The document states that its conclusions "do not imply a judgment about the moral life of the alleged visionaries" because "charismatic gifts do not necessarily require the moral perfection of the people involved in order to act".

At the end of a long analysis (the document is made up of 28 A4 pages) the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith practically indicates how the official pronouncement to be given to what happened (and still happens) in Medjugorje - it uses the formula "nihil obstat" on the public cult of the Queen of Peace and on pilgrimages to the Parish of St. James which becomes a Sanctuary, applying the new Vatican Norms on private revelations. A "no objection" which however does not confirm the "supernatural character" of the alleged apparitions.

"The faithful are not obliged to believe in them", it is recalled in the note.

“The evaluation of the abundant and widespread fruits, so beautiful and positive – explains the Vatican Note – does not imply declaring the alleged supernatural events as authentic, but only highlighting that ‘in the midst’ of this spiritual phenomenon of Medjugorje the Holy Spirit acts fruitfully for the good of the faithful“.

Now it is up to the "Bishop of Mostar-Duvno" to issue the "corresponding decree". On the contrary, Msgr. Aldo Cavalli, the Apostolic Visitor with a special character for the parish of Medjugorje, "will continue to carry out the functions entrusted to him and will have to verify that, in every publication that collects messages, this Note is included as an Introduction". Then, he himself will verify any future messages - or past messages that have not yet been published - and will have to authorize their publication based on the new norms.

The Medjugorie phenomenon seems to be clarifying and many are rejoicing at this approval that completely unblocks pilgrimages.

On the Medjugorje phenomenon as a whole, there remains the faculty reserved to all "diocesan bishops, each in his own diocese" to have the "freedom and authority to make prudential decisions deemed necessary for the good of the People of God".

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